Meet Steve Lowry, Founding Executive Director of AInBC and our AI & Strategy Advisor!

We are delighted to officially introduce Steve Lowry as our AI & Strategy Advisor at Bonzai AI.
Monica Geller
Monica Geller

October 14, 2024

Meet Steve Lowry, Founding Executive Director of AInBC and our AI & Strategy Advisor!

We are delighted to officially introduce Steve Lowry as our AI & Strategy Advisor at Bonzai AI.

Steve Lowry is a high-growth company executive and startup expert who envisions new technologies, media properties and brands and then assembles strong teams to bring ideas to market.

With a background as a lawyer and an investment banker, Steve set out to change how media was consumed, co-founding Play Taxi Media and bringing digital screens to taxicabs across Canada. He founded the world’s first all-media ad exchange that combined traditional media with digital.

Having built three startups and supported leadership teams at companies like Clio and Hootsuite, Steve is enthusiastic about the entrepreneurial journey.

He holds a BA from UBC, a law degree from Dalhousie University and an MBA from the Sauder School of Business.

He heads the Artificial Intelligence network of British Columbia (AInBC), which was established to unify, organize and catalyze the artificial intelligence and machine learning communities in BC.

Steve is a founding member and strategic advisor to the Frontier Collective.

In the last 7 months Steve has been an integral part of our journey & one of our key supporters at Bonzai AI.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Steve for his invaluable contributions to our success thus far. We are excited to continue trailblazing the Future of Work Tech Segment with his ongoing support!

Connect with Steve via LinkedIn!

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